Aayush Mohan Profile Picture

Web Developer | ML Enthusiast



User Profile Pic

Here is a little background

Web developer with a passion for AI and ML, pursuing B.Tech in AI/ML. I offer professional web development services with expertise in JavaScript, TypeScript, React, and Node.js. Alongside my development work, I am actively exploring deep learning and its applications. I thrive in fast-paced environments, enjoy tackling challenging projects, and believe in continuous learning. Let's connect to create innovative web solutions and explore the future of technology together!


HTMLCSSSassBootstrapTailwind CSSJavaScriptReactTypeScriptNextJSReduxNodeJSFirebasePythonPyTorchTensorflowNumpyPandas


The News App

Case Study 1 of 3 : The News App

News App is a mobile-optimized web application that allows users to browse and filter news articles from multiple sources.It is built using Next.js, TypeScript, TailwindCSS, StepZen API, and GraphQL.This project showcases my proficiency in modern web development technologies and my ability to build complex applications with a clean codebase.


OpenSea Clone

Case Study 2 of 3 : OpenSea Clone

OpenSea Blockchain Clone: Seamlessly explore blockchain assets & NFTs. Crafted using Next.js, React, Tailwind CSS, Web 3, and powered by Sanity CMS. Showcasing my prowess in modern web development, delivering user-centric design and efficient codebase.


Natours Project

Case Study 3 of 3 : Natours Project

This Project is a Simple landing page for a Travel agency. Which is built focusing on the animations using CSS and SCSS without JavaScript.

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I have got just what you need. Let's Talk.
